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WEBINAR: The UK Single Trade Window (STW); what you need to know

60 minute webinar with Q&A exploring plans for the UK's Single Trade Window and how it will transform the process of importing and exporting for UK businesses

Event Information

For years now, UK traders have expressed frustration at the complexity of importing and exporting, whilst concerns have existed surrounding the multitude of systems involved, the lack of data sharing, the requirement for duplicate data entry, and the increased risk of human error. Throughout this time, several customs authorities globally have harnessed the power of technology to create Single Trade Windows (STW) e.g. Sweden, Singapore, New Zealand, and the US.

A Single Trade Window facilitates the entry of data by traders and intermediaries in a standardised format via a single portal, reducing the admin burden, increasing speed, improving accuracy, and providing opportunities for collaboration with other customs authorities across the world to facilitate frictionless global trade.

HMRC has recently awarded the contract to deliver the UK’s STW to Deloitte, although those involved in import and export will know that several departments and agencies outside of HMRC are involved in trade, so this is really a cross-government programme. The STW will be delivered over the next 3-7 years with functionality released in phases.

To learn more about how the STW will develop, the benefits it will deliver, and how it will integrate with/replace existing systems, join Andrea Collins of Global Trade Department for this one-hour, lunchtime webinar with Q&A.

About the specialist speaker Andrea Collins of the Global Trade Department:
Andrea is an international trade specialist with 25+ years’ experience in the industry. A linguist fluent in French and Spanish, Andrea specializes in Importing, exporting, EU Exit preparedness, business resilience, and business growth. A passionate ambassador of UK micro businesses and SMEs, she launched the Global Trade Department (previously The Export Department) to assist these companies expand their horizons internationally and raise the profile of UK goods and services abroad. As well as supporting private clients with their international trade endeavours, Andrea delivers 1:1 support and 1:Many support for a number of Growth Hubs nationwide and is responsible for the design and delivery of a range of EU transition, international expansion, and business resilience support programmes operational across Lincolnshire, Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, Norfolk, Suffolk and the South East Midlands.

To book your place click here.

Event information:


11/01/2024 12:00 - 13:00

Organised by:
Global Trade Department