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Working with Hunan

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Hunan – Lincolnshire’s sister region

Lincolnshire County Council signed a friendship agreement with China’s Hunan Province in 2016, strengthening the county’s existing civic and business links with the region. After this joining of the two regions, a piece of analysis was undertaken by the China Britain Business Council, which researched Hunan’s economic landscape. The research identified areas where collaboration between Lincolnshire and Hunan could be mutually beneficial, including agri-tech, trade, investment, education and environmental protection.

In October 2018, the bond between the two regions was strengthened further, after Lincolnshire County Council hosted a delegation of senior Hunan officials which led to the signing of a ‘Sister Region Agreement.’ As China prefers to do business with places, people and organisations they know well, this agreement will help to support trade between Lincolnshire and Hunan.

The relationship provides an opportunity for Lincolnshire businesses to grow through trade and collaborative working. 

Useful contacts

Whether wishing to work with Hunan or explore trading with China as a whole, these contacts provide useful advice and information.

Department for Business and Trade (DBT)

The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) not only helps UK-based businesses to take advantage of overseas opportunities, but also helps international businesses to bring their investment here. DBT has a comprehensive network of specialists in the UK, British Embassies, and other diplomatic offices across the globe.  

Find out more about the services they offer here.

China Britain Business Council (CBBC)

The China Britain Business Council helps British and Chinese businesses to work collaboratively in China, the UK and markets around the world. 

Entering China is a key decision for businesses of all sizes. CBBC can enable you to find the correct pathway for market entry, demystifying the challenges and opportunities to start your journey exporting to China. The team can guide you on the practicalities of preparing for and doing business in China – providing you with the platform to unlock your potential.

Whether you are newly exporting to or already doing business with China, the CBBC team can provide you with access to expert resources and customisable services – ensuring that your business is set up for sustainable success and growth. They will work with you closely to accelerate development in an ever-evolving market, building you a bespoke customer journey to support and guide you.

CBBC has dedicated sector specialists across the UK and China with practical industry experience to inform your China strategy. They offer a wide range of programmes and opportunities for your business to access – ensuring targeted and strategic engagement with key stakeholders, opportunities to participate in events and dedicated sector insights.