The times change, and the technology that you use in your business may need an update to increase productivity from time to time. If you’re looking at implementing new technology into your business, then there are several considerations that need addressing beforehand.
Why implement or update technology?
Implementing and updating technology within your business could help your business to improve in terms of efficiency, productivity and safety, amongst other things. Improving the way your business operates can help your company grow and become more profitable in the future.
When looking at what benefits implementing new technology may have for your business, it’s important to plan thoroughly how much it is going to cost, and how long the return on investment will take.
It’s also worth considering who will be affected by and will benefit from the new technology. Taking this into account at an early stage allows you to consider the resources that you may need to help staff adjust to the change.
Ease the transition
Implementing new technology is, by its very nature, disruptive. When you do decide to begin the process, there are steps you can take that can reduce any disruption you may feel. Firstly, be transparent and include staff, particularly those affected by the new technology, in the process. It’s easy to be resistant to a change in technology having used and become comfortable with an older system. Preparing staff for the change early means that they have more time to become accustomed to a new system.
Staff using the new equipment that you implement or have updated, should be trained how to use it properly and as early into the process as possible. Ensuring that staff are comfortable with using the new technology will help them grow accustomed to the change and reassure them.
Encouraging staff feedback on the new system can show you how successful the implementation has been. Making an easy and open method of submitting feedback will ensure you receive honest feedback easily and quickly from those using the new technology.
Evaluate the performance
Once the new technology or update is introduced, it’s important to measure how successful it has been. Putting into place a method to measure how successful the change has been is something that should be in place right from the start. Maintaining a measure will allow you to see any change in productivity from implementing the new technology and may help to decide the future potential to introduce technology or roll out the new product in full across the company.
Implementing and upgrading technology is an essential part of your business strategy and can help your business develop. The process should focus on the employees and developing an understanding of how they will adapt to the technology, and what the outcomes could be for your business.