What is the Business Support?
Through the Life Sciences Investment Programme, British Patient Capital has been allocated an additional £200m to make cornerstone commitments to later stage venture growth funds which are focussed upon the UK’s life sciences sector. This £200m is expected to attract at least a further £400m of private investment to be invested alongside British Patient Capital, helping to ensure the UK continues to be a world leader in health and life sciences innovation.
Key features
- Dedicated life sciences focus
- Funds providing later-stage capital
- UK presence in investment team
- Minimum target fund size of £250m
- Focus on funding UK companies
More information on the Life Sciences Investment Programme, including the Request for Proposals, is available at www.britishpatientcapital.co.uk
Who runs it?
British Business Bank in partnership with British Patient Capital
How to find out more?
To find out more please click here