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Discover Reality

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What is the Business Support?

Discover Reality – A new way of delivering work experience

Discover Reality will present a catalogue of work experience opportunities to young people using state of the art Virtual Reality headsets. For the first time we are able to provide accessible representation of any chosen career through this highly engaging, safe and inclusive delivery model. Through these experiences, young people will get a feel and understanding of what job roles entail and support them to make informed choices about their career pathways for future years.

Importantly Discover Reality offers the opportunity for many thousands of young people to understand your business and the job roles and employment opportunities that are available should they decide to pursue a career within your sector. Using this approach significantly more young people will benefit from this real world insight into your business/sector as opposed to the small number who you may ordinarily be able to accommodate using the more traditional work experience model.

Discover Reality has a direct line of sight to the aspirations of government to up skill our future workforce and address the skills gap by adopting more innovative and creative approaches to the way in which we engage our next generation of workers from a young age. Using Virtual Reality technology our Discover Reality model does just that. It embraces technology and puts the young person in the heart of your business through the use of the young person’s virtual reality headset - which will be provided by The EBP into all participating schools. For a short introductory video on the concept please visit here.

What could it do for your company?

We are looking for the business community to support this new way of delivering Work Experience by filming real life ‘experiences’ within your organisation/sector which young people will then be able to select in order to aid their understanding of a chosen job role.

To enable your business to support our project, The EBP will deliver all of the required VR filming equipment and guidance to your site on a pre-arranged date. Then by following the provided guidance you will have up to 1 week to record scenarios and other activities using the equipment provided. Once the footage is received by The EBP we will then edit this ready to be viewed by young people as part of their Discover Reality experience.

Our soft market testing shows that many hundreds of schools want to adopt this new and innovative approach to work experience and thus you can be assured that your support will benefit many thousands of young people throughout 2021 and beyond. Our aim is to support young people to better understand the world of work in a fun, educational and interactive manner by providing them with a virtual insight into job roles and aid a deeper understanding of your sector.

Who runs it?

The EBP is a Lincolnshire based social enterprise with 20 years’ experience of working in the careers and education sector. Our work experience service provides opportunities for young people to understand the modern working environment and make informed decisions about their aspirations for working life.

How to find out more?

To find out more information please click here. Alternatively, please get in touch to discuss with us how we can showcase your business/sector to the next generation at

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