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Liberis Business Cash Advance


What is the loan available for?

We go above and beyond to help small businesses obtain funding with a straightforward product called a Business Cash Advance, based on future credit and debit card sales. Our technology means your customers pay back your advance as repayments linked to your cash flow, and the best of it is - we charge one simple price with no other fees, ever!

Any eligibility criteria?

A business can get an online quote in under 60 seconds and a decision within 24 hours. Liberis don’t need to see a business’ company or business accounts, just 4 – 12 months’ card statements. Payments will start automatically as a small agreed percentage from the business’ customer card transactions. Liberis is paid back when the business’ customers pay them.

Any required delivery targets / outcome required

The Business Cash Advance is designed to work seamlessly with a business’ cashflow, which means that the business only ever pays Liberis back when their customers pay them. So, if business is going well they will be able to pay it back quicker, but if they’re having a quiet spell the business will naturally pay back less that month.

What loan amounts are available?

Liberis can advance a business anything from £2,500 to £300,000, depending on their requirements.

What are the loan terms?

Liberis don’t need to see a business’ company or business accounts, just 4 – 12 months’ card statements. Payments will start automatically as a small agreed percentage from the business’ customer card transactions. 

Who provides the loan?

Liberis are backed by the British Business Bank, so its customers have the added reassurance of dealing with a lender supported by the UK Government. And by employing leading industry experts, they are also able to help businesses reach their full potential.

How to apply?

Contact Liberis

Contact information:


The Poynt North 45 Wollaton Street Nottingham NG1 5FW

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