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The Global Trade Manager

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What is the Business Support?

The Global Trade Department deliver the The Global Trade Manager Programme to assist businesses who are either exporting or importing and require specialist support and guidance in navigating the complexities of trading and ensuring compliance with trade regulations post EU exit. The support is delivered both via webinars (1 to many) and 1:1 support (currently virtually).


International trade and preparing for post transition period. Webinars include advice around the following subjects.                                  

  • Importing post Transition Period, a practical guide for novice and seasoned importers
  • Exporting post Transition Period, a practical guide for novice and seasoned exporters
  • Imported goods valuation for Customs – ensuring HMRC compliance
  • Effective international supply chain management
  • Understanding international trade documentation post Transition Period
  • The importance of Incoterms in international contracts
  • Managing financial risk and getting paid when trading internationally
  • Developing overseas markets and managing international partners
  • Trading under preference and understanding the new UK Global Tariff

1:1 Support

1-3 hours of support per client to prepare for the end of the transition period (to include international contracts, customs declarations and documentation, Valuation, commodity codes and new Global Tariff, licensing, Country of Origin, impact of preferential trade withdrawal, etc.)

What could it do for your company?

Provide guidance in navigating the complexities of trading and ensuring compliance with trade regulations post EU exit.

Who runs it?

Global Trade Department

How to find out more?

To find out more information please contact Andrea Collins