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Funding for Training

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Funding for training from the government is not usually paid to you directly. The government pays colleges and other training providers to run particular types of qualifications and training because they know that improving skills will help businesses to grow. Additional training schemes are sometimes developed locally using EU funds and are free for the same reason.

However, some training is your statutory or legal duty as an employer to provide, and it will not be paid for or subsidised by the government. Some examples of this include manual handling, health and safety and food hygiene. Some training will be subsidised, so the training provider will pay half of the cost and you must pay the rest.


Access funding and support 

  • Contact your local college or training provider directly to find out what training is available through government funding. To find out more, please have a look at the Training Your Workforce brochure. Or, you can contact a Growth Hub advisor who will provide impartial advice about business growth
  • Lincolnshire County Council runs a learning programme for anyone wishing to enhance their skills through a short course. This is not just for employers and employees. Click here to access the website
  • If you want to understand in detail about the type of training that the government funds, click here

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