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Digital Marketing Planning and Strategy Accelerator

Transform Your Business with Digital Marketing: Join Our Course designed for Lincoln-Based SMEs and Unlock Your Full Potential online!

Event Information

Are you ready to elevate your online presence and reach new heights in your industry? This one-day tailored Digital Marketing Planning and Strategy course is designed specifically for Lincoln-based SMEs stay ahead of the curve. With expert guidance, from leading academic and industry experts you'll learn how to analyse your target audience, develop a comprehensive digital marketing plan, and know how to monitor and measure for success. 

Learning Outcomes 

1. Evaluation: Analyse the marketplace and your target audience 

2. Synthesis: Formulate a digital marketing plan that aligns with business objectives

3. Analysis: Evaluate and compare various digital marketing channels, trends and practices to determine their suitability for the business 

4. Application: Develop tactics and identify the key metrics to measure success.

What you will gain from doing this course: 

A comprehensive understanding of digital marketing: Participants will gain a deep understanding of various digital marketing channels and tactics, and how to use them effectively to achieve their business goals. 

Tailored to your business: The course is designed specifically for Lincoln-based SMEs who need support with business growth, digitalisation and improving processes. Participants will use digital marketing tools; and receive practical guidance, tips, advice, and strategies that are relevant to their business.  

Customer-centric approach: The course focuses on developing a customer profile, identifying customer needs and behaviours, and creating a customer journey map, to ensure that participants' digital marketing strategies are centred on their target audience. 

Increased online presence: Participants will learn how to choose the right channels and measure their results to help them increase their online presence and reach more customers. 

Improved ROI: By learning how to measure the effectiveness of their digital marketing efforts, participants will be able to continually improve their strategies and increase the return on investment (ROI) of their digital marketing initiatives. 

Stay ahead of the competition: The course covers the latest trends and best practices in digital marketing and will incorporate artificial intelligence in delivery so participants will stay up-to-date with the latest developments and be better equipped to compete in their industry. 

Delivery Schedule 

Start Time End Time Course Content 

09:00 09:30


09:30 10:00

Intros and Challenges 

10:00 11:00

Master Digital Marketing Strategy 

11:00 11:15


11:15 12:30 

Understanding Your Target Audience with Valuable Insights 

Assess your Current Marketing Situation 

12:30 1:30


13:30 14:30

Selecting and Prioritising Digital Marketing Channels and Tactics 

Develop a Winning Digital Marketing Plan 

14:30 15:00 

Implement and Continuously Improve 

Empower Your Business with Digital Marketing 

15:00 15:30

Summary and Close


For more information click here.

Event information:

F2F: University of Lincoln

17/10/2023 09:00 - 15:30

Organised by:
Lincoln Be Smarter