Event Information
Every business will own intellectual property - the name you trade under, the look or the function of products you make or use, even the brochures you create to promote your business. The Intellectual Property Office can help you understand how your IP can be protected effectively. Don't miss this free upcoming webinar where they will dive deep into the world of IP protection tailored specifically for the dynamic creative industry!
This free 2-hour webinar will explore various types of IP: trademarks (brand names, logos), designs, copyrights (creative works), patents (inventions), IP abroad, and trade secrets (confidential information).
Why you need to attend this webinar:
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of IP in the creative industry.
- Learn from expert speakers and real-world case studies.
- Get your burning IP questions answered during the interactive Q&A session.
- Access valuable resources from the Intellectual Property Office to boost your IP knowledge.
For enquires, e-mail creategrowth@bizgateway.org.uk
There will also be the opportunity to ask questions during the event.
Once you have registered, joining instructions will be sent separately.
To find out more please click here.
Event information:
10:00 - 12:00
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