About the Business
A G and I (UK) are a 'Not for Profit' Education and Training provider. Our fully qualified and experienced staff can develop and deliver good quality training, tailored to suit any business needs. We have extensive experience in helping young people and adults to gain skills to improve their lives and succeed. We are committed to working with learners to help them to develop, grow and achieve and empower people to achieve through our improvement programmes, promoting social and economic inclusion, implementing equality and diversity to all aspect of their lives. We specialise in helping the disadvantaged and are dedicated to helping people by opening up opportunities so they can develop and grow in order to achieve their goals. Offering independent and impartial advice. We also offer freelance work in Assessing, Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice (QCF) and Career Guidance (Level 6 qualified) of which our staff have experience in delivering.
Business Information:
Unit 2, Suite 2,
17 Northgate,
Services and capabilities:
- Training Services