About the Business
As a people’s person, I knew I wanted to use my contacts, skill set and knowledge to assist other companies and I particularly wanted to break into the Education market to assist pupils before they left school, ideally giving them guidance and hopefully inspiring them to achieve their dreams and goals. I was then given the opportunity to work with the Lincolnshire and Rutland Education Business Partnership; I was involved in many initiatives taking Enterprise Challenges into schools and engaging local Employers to work with their local schools, whilst continuing to develop new ideas. It was whilst developing and delivering one of these successful initiatives to local schools – namely a Forensic Science “CSI” Style Enterprise Day, which was done in collaboration with the RAF Forensic Flight, that I realised how beneficial, exciting and hands-on this workshop could be, given the time to develop it further and linking it to the learning outcomes within the National Curriculum. To this end, that is what I have done, I spent a couple of years working alongside a Forensic Scientist, additionally, my husband is a trained SOCO (Scene of Crime Officer) and Computer Forensics Expert and additionally, I have spent a great deal of time “self-studying” at the University of Lincoln both Forensic Science and Crime Scene Investigation. PULSE Education and Business Services Limited was born January 2008 and now delivers successful, ‘hands-on’ CSI Style Forensic Science Workshops to both Primary and Secondary Schools throughout Lincolnshire and is now developing a Corporate Team Building Day to offer to companies and possibly as an INSET day for school teachers! My career path has been very varied and self-made and I have used my skill sets, contacts and passion for a subject which I was a great enthusiast for and turned it into a thriving business. Additionally, I still also assist many SME’s with their Sales, Marketing and Recruitment so this knowledge has never been wasted and I am still continually learning new skills in my 50’s!!!!
Business Information:
2 Farriers Gate,
Cranwell Village,
01400 263061
Services and capabilities:
- Assisting SME's with occasional Social Media / Marketing and Advertising
- Delivering Educational Workshops based on Forensic Science & the Criminal Justice System