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Business Lincolnshire Launches Export Support Service for SMEs

Published on: 29/05/2019

The Business Lincolnshire Growth Hub is proud to present its new business support service aimed at helping small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) move into exporting. The scheme includes face-to-face advice sessions with an experienced export professional as well as a series of interactive workshops across the region.   

In seven half-day workshops, Business Lincolnshire’s facilitators will introduce SMEs to the importance of exporting for growth, and make sure attendees are as prepared as possible to enter their target market.

Topics include ‘Introduction to Export,’ ‘Introduction to International E-Commerce’ and ‘Introduction to Researching Export Markets,’ and are each led by an experienced specialist from the Department for International Trade.

Along with these workshops, Business Lincolnshire’s advisor Mike Stokes – who has over three decades of experience as an export consultant – will be offering face-to-face export advice for Lincolnshire-based SMEs.

“Global trade has customarily been viewed as the domain of large companies, but SMEs can also benefit from reaching new markets and we want to encourage them to do so,” says Councillor Colin Davie, Executive Member for Economic Development at Lincolnshire County Council. “Exporting allows smaller businesses to increase profitability, access new markets and realise their potential.”

Workshop sessions and expert guidance are fully-funded, and available to SMEs, partnerships, sole traders and registered charities. The workshops will be running throughout June and July. Attendance is free, but places are limited to only two per company. 

For more information, please contact the team at


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