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Research Opportunity: Pubs as Co-working Spaces in Rural Areas - Survey Participation

Published on: 20/06/2023

The University of Lincoln's International Business School is conducting research on the potential of pubs as co-working spaces in rural areas, on behalf of NICRE (National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise). The study aims to understand why and how people who work remotely from home sometimes choose community spaces like pubs, cafes, or village halls for their work. 

These spaces play a crucial role in fostering community cohesion in rural areas, and their demand has increased during the pandemic with the rise of remote working. With funding from NICRE and in collaboration with the Plunkett Foundation, the University has developed a short survey to gather insights and experiences from individuals working in rural community spaces. 

The findings will contribute to the development of a practical toolkit that provides guidance to the pub industry, rural pub managers, and those involved in rural community development. We believe this research presents a valuable opportunity for Lincolnshire businesses. Please click the link to complete the survey. The deadline for completion is Friday, July 14th. 


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