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The Business Finance Guide

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What is the Business Support?

The business finance guide is an invaluable tool for entrepreneurs starting a business, or directors managing established or growing companies of all sizes.

The business finance guide provides a comprehensive overview of the financing options available to growing businesses. Whatever the challenges faced, the right financing decisions are critical. 

For business owners and management, awareness of the choices available allows the business to make a well-informed financing decision.
This guide helps make that task less daunting, and directs businesses to further advice.

Introduction to the guide
Keith Morgan, The British Business Bank
David Petrie, ICAEW Corporate Finance Faculty

When you are growing a business you are going to face a great variety of challenges. So getting the right form of finance in place is really important. Getting that finance in place allows businesses to invest, grow and create jobs. In recent years we’ve seen a huge expansion in the variety and sources of finance for growth. We’re seeing new providers of debt and of equity, many of which are supported by the British business bank. So for companies looking for finances for growth, the funding should be available.

We believe that if businesses have a better knowledge of their options, they will go on to make better decision on investment, increase their performance and improve the growth of the economy.

The guide is designed for businesses at a whole variety of stages of growth – from early stage start ups where it’s just a good idea, right through to medium sized businesses seeking external capital for expansion or export, and right through to those looking to list on a regulated exchange.

The online business finance guide is a crucial starting point for businesses to understand the key factors in deciding what type of finance they need for their business. We’ve structure the guide to encourage users to think about exactly where they are currently in their business, and where they want to be, and then to match the form of finance to their own objective. The business finance guide has been put together by ICAEW corporate finance faculty and also the British business bank, but also working with a large number of partner bodies, that represent both the finance industry themselves, and also the businesses and business groups.

SMEs are very important to the UK economy. They account for about 60% of all private sector employment. Importantly, they are also the main source of creativity and innovation leading to future growth.

The business guide sets out all the options. The purpose is to make sure that people can have an informed discussion with external advisors, and to signpost the great variety of options for funding, now available for growth.

For more information and to download the PDF document in full please visit; 

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