Navigating the world of UK Trade Agreements can be complex for businesses, whether they’ve been working in international trade for a long time or for those just starting on their exporting journey.
Trade agreements set out the rules for buying and selling goods and services between 2 or more countries, often reducing restrictions on imports and exports, which can make trading easier and cheaper when used. UK Trade Agreements are constantly changing, so we strive to keep this page updated as much as possible with the latest international agreements and factsheets but you can find out more about the latest UK Trade Agreements on the government website here or download the latest up-to-date factsheets below to discover more.
Before you jump straight into Trade Agreements and how these may impact your business, it’s best to speak to a member of our exporting team, who can signpost you to the right support for your business. Get in touch to find out more.
The Border Target Operating Model
The UK Government have developed the Border Target Operating Model which outlines the approach to security controls applying to importing goods into Great Britain which will be introduced from the end of January 2024. This page provides links to the documents which describe the security controls (applying to all imports), and sanitary and phytosanitary controls (applying to imports of live animals, animal products, plants and plants products) at the border.
If you import food products, live animals, animal products, plants or plant products into Great Britain, you can check the Border Target Operating Model risk-level of your commodity now, to be ensure your business is meeting the requirements for the border processes.
This page provides downloadable information leaflets for businesses as well as a set of videos to prepare including sector specific training that business owners can access. Businesses can also register to get email alerts when update are made to this information.