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< Online Tools and Resources
Growth Hub
Starting up
Growing your business
The business plan
Marketing and sales planning
Finance planning
Doing business online
Business continuity
Succession planning
Complying with the law
Resource efficiency

Write a business plan

Download free business plan templates and find help and advice on how to write your business plan.

Resilience in society: infrastructure, communities and businesses

How networks and individuals can support the country's emergency planning, response and recovery, and keep systems and services running.

Business Continuity management toolkit

BCM is about identifying those parts of your organisation that you can’t afford to lose such as information, stock, premises and staff.

Secure in the knowledge: building a secure business

You can do much to reduce the vulnerabilities of your business by taking time to review your preparedness to deal with emergencies.

Pandemic Influenza checklist for businesses

To assist you in developing and reviewing plans, the Government has developed the following checklist specifically regarding pandemic influenza.

Incorporation and names

Sets out the main requirements for incorporating a company in the UK.

Running a limited company

Directors' arel legally responsible for the company’s records, accounts and performance.

Companies House

We incorporate and dissolve limited companies. We register company information and make it available to the public.