17. Complying with the law – Part 1
Starting a business isn’t simply a case of starting to sell/trade the next day. You need to make sure your new business is complying with the law.
16. Succession planning
All too often succession planning is something that is not talked about, even a taboo at times.
15. Business continuity
A Business Continuity Plan (BCM) is putting procedures in place that minimize the disruption to your business when things go wrong.
14. Doing business online
Taking your business online can help you reach a vast amount of people very quickly.
13. Managing your finances: Balance sheets
A balance sheet is vital in monitoring your businesses financial standing which can highlight issues within your business.
12. Managing your finances: Profit and Loss
Managing your Finances: Profit and Loss. Profit & Loss and tax accounts have different rules and guidelines.
11. Managing your finances: Cash flow
Understanding the importance of cash flow and implementing good cash flow practice is vital to improve the longevity of your business.
10. Managing your finances: Budgeting
It is vital that you can understand the importance of budgeting. Without it, it could mean your business is failing without you even realising.